A selected list of fiction and nonfiction


A Courtship published in Chelsea
A young widow fights the stigma left by her deceased husband.

To hear a public radio excerpt of “A Courtship” read on WXPN FM by
stage actor Dan Hodge, preceded by brief author commentary, link to
Kelly Writers House, episode 74

After the Bolsheviks published in Meridian
A son finds himself in the middle of a cross-generational family squabble.

Winterset Spring published in Fifth Wednesday Journal
A dangerous game among Boy Scouts.

    NONFICTION: Essays, Memoir, and Book Reviews

Simon Kuper, Impossible City: Paris in the 21st Century 
Los Angeles Review of Books

Kuper’s memoir describes a modern Paris leaning forward into the  
        21st century while still maintaining many of its best traditions.

          Confessions of a Cyclist
         The American Scholar

A personal essay about the highs and lows, twists and turns,  
epiphanies and near kerfuffles of riding a bike in New York City.

          9/11: Taking the Long View
         The American Scholar

A memoir and photographic essay of September 11th, as witnessed from my roof
deck and downtown Manhattan, and a reflection on the days and weeks to follow.


Second Avenue Elevated 
Tablet Magazine

        A memoir about the distant world of my father’s New York City, his tales of
        my grandfather’s drugstore, and the subways and baseball players of his day.


Revisiting the Deep Sense of Place in Alice Munro’s Debut, 50 Years Later
The Atlantic
        Munro’s first book remains faithful to its time period and rural setting,
        even as her characters resonate strongly with contemporary readers.


Best West Village Parks to Read In
Time Out New York
        A descriptive, photographic essay on some lesser-known
        Village treasures, along with reading suggestions for each.


A.D. Jameson, I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing: Star Wars and the Triumph of Geek Culture 
Washington Post Sunday Book World
        A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away (okay, the 1970s),
        a movie that would change the landscape of American cinema.


Clinton Crockett Peters, Pandora’s Garden: Kudzu, Cockroaches, and Other Misfits of Ecology 
The Texas Observer

        With a storyteller’s voice, Peters regards our complicated
        relationship to maligned, invasive, and misunderstood species.


Stuart Kells, The Library: A Catalogue of Wonders 
Chicago Review of Books

        Kells explores the history, intrigue, and human drama
        of places that have housed books throughout the ages.


Jody Rosen, Two Wheels Good: The History and Mystery of the Bicycle
Los Angeles Review of Books

        Rosen’s book
portrays the bicycle as a vital extension of the human body
        and an enduring object of our imagination.


The World Split Open: Great Authors on How and Why We Write (essay collection)
The Georgia Review
Prominent authors like Marilynne Robinson, Margaret Atwood, and E.L. Doctorow provide
anecdotes and philosophical arguments for the enduring role of fiction in a nonliterary age. 

Lorrie Moore, Bark
Time Out New York
Comic ruination and poignant satire in the author’s first
story collection since Birds of America.

Yu Hua, Boy in the Twilight
Time Out New York
Hua’s quirky short stories read like folk tales in a modern-day setting.

Alice McDermott, Someone
Time Out New York
From the author of Charming Billy, a tender family portrayal that
leans on memory and snapshots as much as it does story.

Ben Greenman, The Slippage
Time Out New York
A comic novel of suburban angst evolves into an intriguing page-turner.

Norman Mailer, The Spooky Art
Mailer reflects on his fraught, lifelong relationship to writing and 
the bewitching but often vexing process of creating words. 

Jonathan Franzen, How to Be Alone
Harvard Review
Franzen’s essays confront the challenge of being a writer in a
modern, mass-consumerist society.

Jake Silverstein, Nothing Happened, and Then It Did
Fiction Writers Review
In a quest to find himself and his true craft, this author
straddles the porous border between memoir and fiction.

Best New Stories of the South
The Georgia Review
An anthology that manages the difficult balance of preserving traditional
Southern heritage while accommodating modern subject matter.

Monster in the Attic
Naming the World: And Other Exercises for the Creative Writer (Random House)
Essay on the important and often overlooked role of descriptive language and setting in fiction. 

Skip Horack, The Southern Cross
American Book Review
The luckless, flawed characters in Horack’s story collection seek a
repentance that often eludes them.

Alyce Miller, Water
Miller explores the various shapes of longing in this debut story collection. 

Richard Russo, The Whore’s Child
Missouri Review
The Pulitzer Prize winner’s first story collection offers a keen eye for characters who suffer from denial, yet who meet, on occasion, with moments of grace.


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